How can increase traffic weblog ? One way is to provide feed RSS.
Like you was angling for fish, you give a little bait as an attraction to get a fish.
If bait that was sent too long or the article was full, then the bait has been did not mean again, because of the visitor to have read from RSS Reader that was registered.
The Blogger feed link position is located at the bottom of each page, usually was written something like "Subscribe to: Posts (Atom)". You can change where this link appears, so not everyone may have it in the same location, nor have the same text.
Step by step to Site Feed Settings using :
- visit, will appear as the picture below:
- In the line "Username (Email)", type your email
- In the line "Password", type your password
will appear as the picture below: - Click “Settings” on dashboard then click tab "Site Feed", will appear as follows:
- Allow Blog Feeds - Blogger provides good control over your feed as follows:
- None - You don't offer to subscribe to your feed, your site feed will no longer exist, and any services up to the feed address will subsequently fail.
- Short - Your feed will be available, however the content provided by the feed will not be all of the post, but rather the first 255 characters of the first paragraph, whichever is shorter.
- Full - You will provide the complete post text to your subscribers.
- Post Feed Redirect URL - The post feed redirect URL is used to change where your feed is provided from. Important, you start off with Blogger providing your feed. What if you wanted to use FeedBurner instead? This is where you would tell Blogger that you no longer want your feed to be served from Blogger, but over here instead at this other URL.
Here's what happens when you enter a URL in this field. When one of your blog pages is displayed to a visitor, blogger will change the link that serves your feed to use the address that you entered here instead.
Like I said in my warning above, if you are starting a brand new blog, you have the perfect opportunity to work out where you want your feed to come from without impacting your readers. If you're blog is already operational, then you will need to dance around a bit and make people change their reader settings to continue to get your feed. It's a pain in the butt, but you might find the FeedBurner services and reporting tools a better option than what Blogger offers. - Post Feed Footer - The post feed footer text will show in the footer of your feed. Anything you put here will show in the footer of your feed content, but not the content of your blog itself. This only works if you give your users your entire content with your feed by choosing 'Full'.
You might want to display an advertisement, let's say. A nice 468x72 pixel banner ad would probably look best there.
- Allow Blog Feeds - Blogger provides good control over your feed as follows:
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